A review by moth_dance
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Reckoning by Joss Whedon


I've stood by the Dark Horse Buffy seasons up until this point. I watched as my beloved characters faced new and, often, improved big bads. Everything felt reasonably changed and altered from the TV series. Old scoobies and baddies returned, and new friends were introduced. The Angel & Faith cross-overs and side-issues with Willow and Giles were all so well done.

But Season 12 doesn't pay off in the end. It feels rushed, fan-serviced, and too chaotic. I hate admitting this, but this extended Buffy team probably should have ended the comic continuation with season 10.

If anything, the end of Season 12 leaves me extremely excited to put these canonical seasons behind, once and for all, and start a new journey with the BOOM! Buffy series which drops later this month.