A review by kberry513
To Hold the Bridge by Garth Nix


I really liked A Handful of Ashes; I would totally read a whole book about that world! The various schools for witches and wizards, the idea of working your way through, it all just seemed so appealing to me.

I also found Vampire Weather really intriguing - an Amish-style society that has kept itself apart from technology and vaccinations in a world with vampires, they don't even know that a vampire vaccination exists, but when they learn of it they are against it. Very cool.

I enjoyed the Quiet Knight, too, although that one works best as a short story.

What's up with the Hellboy story? Isn't that a proprietary character? I'm missing the type of intros from the other short story book; maybe this was for an anthology with Hellboy as a side character?

I really loved A Handful of Ashes - I would totally read a whole book based in that world. There were various colleges of magic and some of them allowed sizars (people who can't afford to pay and essentially are indentured servants in return for being allowed to study there). Mari and Francesca are awesome and I would love to read more of their adventures!

Infestation was interesting - another vampire-ish one, with a team of vampire hunters. Although it turns out that the vampires are actually aliens?

The one with Sherlock Holmes' cousin was also really enjoyable.

I loved An Unwelcome Guest - it was kind of a play on a Rapunzel retelling where the witch was required to let the Rapunzel stay in the tower due to guest rules even though she broke in.