A review by jenniferreads2
War of the Seasons: The Human by Janine K. Spendlove


This was a so-so book. There were a few issues I had with it. For example it bothered me that her dryad characters were more like mermaids/sirens then dryads-the authors should have taken some time to research her magical creatures before writing. Also the lead male characters eyes changed colors to indicate his mood, the problem with this was the colors were never consistent so as a reader I never figured out what color related to what mood. And finally the main female character shifts alot, at times she seems like an adult, other times like a child and at the best moment she actually seems like the teenager the author intended her to be.

The second book to this series is to be released this month, i will read it mainly because I am curious to see how the author could possibly continue this story line.

Overall though this was a quick read, nothing memorable but something light and fluffy. I believe its less then $5 in the kindle store so you get what you pay for.