A review by lazygal
An Elegant Woman by Martha McPhee


A generations saga, following the life of Tommy (nee Thelma, but also aka Katherine and Grammy) as she is brought out West by her mother Glenna, left in the care of others to help raise her younger sister Katherine (yes, the names get confusing). This is all framed by the current generation's looking through the house in Maine that they need to empty out, and trying to piece together the real from the hyperbolic and fantastical in the stories they've been told about their foremothers.

I would have appreciated a bit more of the framing, with the "oh, so here's this story we've been told and here's the truth" highlighted. Instead, it's mostly Tommy's story with the framing occasionally interspersed. And while this may be loosely based on the author's family, that story wasn't exciting enough to keep my interest above a "meh."

eARC provided by publisher.