A review by crookedtreehouse
Green Lantern Corps, Volume 2: The Dark Side of Green by Dave Gibbons


I'm reading a bunch of Lantern books that lead up to Blackest Night, which I loved when I read while it was coming out. So far, the Geoff Johns books have held up. I like the slow build to the event, and the evolution or de-evolution of the Lantern Corps members and guardians.

This volume, however, was written with some heavy macho dick. An attractive female Lantern has Guy Gardener turn into the cartoon wolf with his eyes popping out and his tongue unwinding into a puddle of drool. And this heavily distracts from the story Gibbons is trying to tell, which is otherwise a perfectly fine preamble to the coming event.

I'm not against the idea of intern-Lantern shenanigans, and Gardener is definitely the lantern most likely to be a misogyinst, but it feels less like an examination of a problematic character, and more like the desperate sexualization of women by a Lonely Man author.

There was more to this story than her sexualization (what was her name? who can remember, she was the sexy lantern who sexily ensnared Guy Gardener with her sexiness). A story about parasites on ongo allowing Corps members to be brainwashed into destroying the Corps from the inside, and ...uhhh...the thing is, every time I try and think of the book, just two or three days after reading it, all I can think of is how poorly written the female character whose name wasn't used enough to stick in my memory, was.

Of the books I've read so far about the buildup to Blackest Night, it is definitely the worst. Skip it, hopefully the next volume will start with a "Previously In" section that renders this whole volume unnecessary.