A review by snazzybooks
Nobody's Child by Libby Fischer Hellmann


Reviewed at www.snazzybooks.com

Nobody’s Child by Libby Fischer Hellman is a really enjoyable, fast paced mystery novel which had me hooked from beginning to end!

Being the fourth novel in the Georgia Davis series, I was a bit worried that I would need to have read the first 3 to really understand and enjoy Nobody’s Child. There did seem to be some issues from previous novels but the author explained any required information really well, so it wasn’t an issue at all!

The characters were all well developed, with Georgia being a likeable and interesting protagonist. I certainly felt like I wanted to read more about her in the previous three novels. Poor Savannah certainly had a horrendous time of it, and even though she seemed a bit annoying at the beginning I warmed to her as the novel went on.

The story line moved along at a good pace and seemed very well researched- at least as far as I could tell- with issues such as sex trafficking, abuse, robbery among many others. The novel starts off with her investigating a ‘flash rob’ at a shop, and along with this there are a few kind of ‘sub story lines’ too, including Georgia discovering the existence of a half-sister (though this soon becomes the main story line really as the novel continues, in my opinion) and developing a romantic interest in another cop. This blend of mystery, romance and tension created a great novel that I loved reading.

I didn’t feel that any part of the novel was dull and I really raced through it as I didn’t want to put it down! I’d really like to read the first 3 novels and learn more about these characters!

** Many thanks to the author, Libby Fischer Hellman, for providing a copy of this novel in return for an honest review! **