A review by hannahslibrary92
Return to Sender by Julie Cross


This book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Return to Sender is the second book in the Letter's to Nowhere series. I read and reviewed Letter's to Nowhere earlier this year, so if you want to check out my review you can do so by clicking here.
I really enjoyed the first book in the series, so when I got the chance to review this one as well, I was really excited. However for me the second book doesn't quiet live up to the first.
When I'm reading a series, I want each book to be strong enough on it's own. I want it to be a strong story in it's own right. Now while this book was enjoyable to read, and it was really well written as well. I felt like it wasn't as good as the first, because it felt more like the middle of a book than a whole book of it's own. There isn't a great deal that happens in this instalment and for me it ended way too quickly. I felt like this second part should have been put together with the third part (which I'm yet to read but have bought and will hopefully get to before the year is out).
It's an interesting idea having part two and three of the series published as more of a novella, but for me personally I felt that it would have been better to put them together and had more of a full book.

Having said all of that, when you link this part together with the first book, and bear in mind that there is a third instalment out, it's a good story that I am enjoying. I just honestly felt like not enough happened in this part for it to stand up as a full book on it's own. I was missing the drama and that was disappointing. Despite this though, I do recommend this series.
The author knows the world of competitive gymnastics really well, and has a great writing styler. Her characters are well written, easy to relate to and interesting. So I highly recommend this book.

To see this review and others on my site, please visit www.the-book-tower.blogspot.co.uk