A review by arrowsartsandbooks
The Prince & the Coyote by David Bowles


This is a poetic book about a prince named Acolmiztli and his life journey. It is written through the lens of pre-Columbian Mexico, making it interesting to see their view on gender and sexuality. In this book, there are several genders. One of the main characters, Izcalloh, is a xochihuah. They stick with Nezahualcoyotl for as long as possible and their relationship develops over the years. There are several themes in this book such as family, war, poetry, gender fluidity, etc. Nezahualcoyotl has such a deep relationship with a coyote that's difficult to explain with words. They help each other survive at the most dangerous points in their lives and bond throughout those moments. The unfamiliar terms guide in the back of the book was very helpful. This is a beautiful story that I would recommend to anyone.