A review by toyareads26
Exclusive by Sandra Brown


So I am giving this book a rating of 4 stars solely based on that ending. The last paragraph alone deserves 4 stars. I have never genuinely been shocked at a Sandra Brown ending until this came along. Up until then, this was a good book, not as good as [b:Lethal|10875239|Lethal|Sandra Brown|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1301590794l/10875239._SX50_.jpg|15729222] or [b:Envy|76179|Envy|Sandra Brown|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1263146546l/76179._SY75_.jpg|82614], but still a good book. But the ending put it over the top for me. I don't think it was necessarily the reveal that I found shocking, it was the delivery. The plot was enough to keep me interested despite there being some slow parts. There were some eye rolling moments but nothing that dulled my reading experience. I liked the characters well enough (at least the ones we are meant to like) and I enjoyed the pacing.

Overall this is a good book with a solid plot, good characters, a good pace, and a killer ending.