A review by alexandrabree
The Long Patrol by Brian Jacques


Lessons hidden within the pages of Redwall novels

Generational difference
The wisdom of elders
The struggles of growing up and leaving home
The difficulty of following a dream
The tragedy of losing friends to soon, the inevitably of life moving forward, of healing grief and integrating loss. The cycle of life and death and birth.

The faces of evil, lying, stealing, backstabbing, murderers, savagery, tyranny

The beauty of aging
The dangers of anger and ferocity, the powers of danger and ferocity. Being perilous but choosing peace.

I cried hard over Russa the very first time I read the book, and the fifth time, and the dozenth. There is something eternal and timeless in these novels. I find they are in the vein of Narnia, but also of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Modern classics.