A review by bitchie
Looking for Group by Alexis Hall


I'm going with my gut on this one, how much I enjoyed this story, with my rating here. As you can see, from all of the stars, that I loved this book. Every sentence, every word, I just loved it.

I say that with a caveat, though, that if you aren't a gamer, particularly, if you aren't an MMO gamer, you might not necessarily feel the same. You will, in fact, have quite the hard time getting through this book, because it's to me anyway, one long lover letter to gaming. It has huge chunks of story that revolve around the game itself. It uses all the gaming lingo, it goes pretty deep into actual game play, discussing dungeons and boss mechanics, and poking fun at things we gamers have been poking fun of for years.

I don't go back to the beginning of MMOs, I started with Final Fantasy XI, then fell into the huge time sink that is World of Warcraft, along with many other MMOs, and I'd like to think I'm fairly well versed in the genre. As such, I was worried about starting this book, because I tend to nitpick, but Alexis Hall has his shit DOWN. This book brought back so many feelz for me, of hanging out in dungeons, and crying that vanilla was the best (until you actually go back to vanilla, and realize how much HARDER it all was!), having that one guy that just does.not.listen., wiping on raids, the works.

So yes, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I loved both Drew and Kit, and all their friends. I loved the gaming stuff, I loved how sweet Drew and Kit were together, and I didn't even miss the steam. Of which there was none. Not even a little bit. Just some light making out, and that was it, but who cares, this book was adorable.