A review by git_r_read
The Body in the Cast by Katherine Hall Page


I enjoy the heck out of reading cozies, especially well written ones like the ones I've read in this series. I have chosen to continue reading them out of order and it hasn't diminished my enjoyment.
Faith Fairchild is the wife of a minister, mother to two adorable younguns, owner and head chef of a catering firm, Have Faith. And she still finds time to stumble over dead bodies and mysteries galore in the small town of Aleford, Massachusetts.
This episode has Faith hired to cater the film crew of a possible blockbuster movie, A, based on THE SCARLET LETTER - Nathaniel Hawthorne. The town of Aleford is abuzz with the excitment of movie stars, a big named director and the local election heating things up.
Faith also has to contend with the possibility of having her catering business closed down due to some of the cast members suffering from food poisoning after having some of Faith's Black Bean Soup (recipe included in back of the book).
This is a nicely tight book with interesting characters that I liked and some I loathed just like I was supposed to.