A review by 100pagesaday
F is for Fairy by Pete Aldin, Andrew Bourelle, Steve Bornstein


F is for Fairy is an alphabet anthology of short stories that incorporate fairies or the world of fae in some way. Each story has a letter that it is themed around and a different author that offers a wide variety of writing styles and well as takes on what a fairy is. Like any anthology or collection, there were some stories that I liked better than others.

Many of the stories that I was drawn to included fairy re-imaginings of stories I already knew or included fairies from popular stories such as Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan and A Midsummer Night's Dream. One of my very favorites was A, a story that seems very familiar as it examines how fairies come into existence and find their purpose as the fairy Apple goes through many different emotions to find out who she is. M was another story with a familiar twist as a princess decides for herself whom to spend the rest of her life with. W was a very different story, taking the vibe of a comedic mystery with some unlikely heroes from Midsummer's Night. Y was also a story with a different tone and an ogre that offered a redeeming and sweet song. Overall, a good and varied collection of stories for any fairy or fantasy lover.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.