A review by lukescalone
The New Arabs: How the Wired and Global Youth of the Middle East Is Transforming It by Juan R.I. Cole


Overall, this is a solidly written summary of the role of the youth in the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt (as well as, to lesser extent, Libya). I think that the publication of this book was a bit hasty, as the sections on Libya and Tunisia don't seem to end on decent "turning points." Cole's section on Egypt ends with Sisi's coup, which I think makes a lot of sense, but the sections on Tunisia and Libya seem to simply fizzle out. Had Cole waited a year, he could have discussed the importance of 2014 to the Tunisian Revolution (including, but of course not limited to, the role of the Quartet). Libya is a bit more fickle, as there still has not been a reasonable turning point. It looked like there was going to be just last month with the advances of Marshall Haftar, but he's now seen setbacks. In addition, he misses the transformative events of the Islamic State from June 2014 and--in my opinion--he underestimates the role of Islam in millennial politics.

That being said, Cole does an excellent job here and I was glad to have read this.