A review by stephilica
Flight by Jason Lethcoe, Scott Altmann

By no means amazing, this book is certainly an improvement over the first. There is now a sense of place in the development of the Afterlife. The shapeshifting was also relevant this time around, and the roles of Guardians become clearer. Also, Edward has time to develop a personality as he works through his daddy issues, which while not the most novel of character arcs is at least an arc. Side characters Tabitha and Bridgette also earn some development compared to the side kicks last book, Sariel and Artemis. As a love interest, Bridgette is on the weaker side, and there is one particular plot point that certainly exists only so Edward won't have to make a painful goodbye at the end of the series. Even so, her backstory is compellingly, elegantly simple.

As for the side story at the end of the book,
Spoiler Melchior was made actively less sympathetic as a result. He comes off as a stalker who condemned children (Sariel and Artemis are children as far as Guardians count these things!) to the Corruption so that he won't pine after a girl. Real nice guy.

This was a popcorn read. I finished it one sitting, will likely do the same with the next one, and then not return.