A review by stewie
The Doll Collection by Ellen Datlow


I saw the news announcement sometime last year for the anthology The Doll Collection, edited by the fantastic [a:Ellen Datlow|46138|Ellen Datlow|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1616102283p2/46138.jpg] no less, and I got a bit excited. I had to read this. Dolls are creepy little things that I'm convinced come alive at night and watch you as you sleep, and a book containing stories about these soul stealers edited by Datlow?!? Sign. Me. Up.

When I finally had the book in my hands, I eagerly opened it up, ready for some tales of doll terror. I paused long enough only to read Datlow's introduction. If you aren't the type of person who reads an introduction and/or foreword, you really should fix that. Many times you'll get a glimpse of the reasoning behind the editor's decisions in regards to the topic at hand, how the book came to be, or, in the case here, something that throws a wrench into your entire conception about what you are about to jump into. Datlow made one condition when she approached the authors in this book, "…no evil doll stories." Wait, what? An anthology about dolls, none of which can be evil? I'll admit I was both disappointed and intrigued when I read that. So, does it work? Well, for the most part, yeah.

You can read my full review at Horror DNA by clicking here.