A review by tearainread
Bearly Awake by D.R. Perry


A 90 page freebie from the NOOK store.

This is a New Adult romance with a paranormal twist; all the students at PPC are Extrahuman except for the heroine, who is just a plain old human. There isn't much angst in the back stories of either the heroine or hero, so its much fluffier than the typical NA romance. Lynn (the heroine) was an obnoxious twat of character and I disliked being in her head (which was every other chapter, and first POV to boot); at the beginning of the book she is a loner due to her extreme "I'm not like other girls/I'm not girlie" syndrome. After sex one time with the hero, she turns to mush and all she can think about is her lover. Bobby (the hero) is a bear shifter from Louisiana going to college in Rhode Island and his inner bear is not adapting to the colder climate. Via Bobby's roommate, Blaine (dragon shifter), and Lynn, we come to find out Bobby's urge to hibernate is because his inner bear wants his mate because of course. Bobby is about to fail out of college due to his hibernation urges and needs one good grade on a final exam to keep him in school. Lynn is voluntold to tutor him over the weekend and also keep him from sleeping/hibernating until after the exam is over. Bobby was a sweet beta who I really liked; Blaine seems like he would be a fun hero in a future story.

Although I disliked the heroine, I did believe in the HEA because Bobby and Lynn seemed very happy with each other. There is A LOT of formatting errors and typos. A good concept that needs a copy editor to refine the execution of that concept.