A review by phillygirljl
All the Broken Pieces by Cindi Madsen


Mystery surrounds a teen who wakes up from a coma with no memories & two very different voices warring in her head in All The Broken Pieces.

This story intrigued me from the very start of the book. The mystery surrounding Liv’s coma and what caused it drew me in. I liked how Liv’s past was pieced together (pun intended) through memories she slowly regained, as well as through clues her parents inadvertently dropped. The beauty of seeing through Liv’s eyes was that it was hard to decide whether her memories were real. As a reader I was able to completely immerse myself into Liv’s story and really experience her character’s feelings.

I also liked how Madsen wrote Liv using the two different voices in her head. It added to the mystery and also had me wondering which was the real Liv. Was one voice her old persona from before the accident? Or was she always like that and this was a clue to what had happened to her? It was thought-provoking to say the least and grabbed my attention enough that I had a hard time putting the book down.

My one complaint was that I felt the actual ending of the story and the final reveal felt a little rushed and I was a little skeptical about the plausibility, but I still enjoyed reading the novel and was surprised at the conclusion, despite the clues that were given.

Author Madsen did a great job of weaving Liv’s mysterious circumstances into a captivating story. This is a good contemporary YA fiction story that will pull readers in with its characters and writing.