A review by songwind
The Price of Valor by Django Wexler


(Fair warning, I listened to this in audio, as I did book 2. I don't remember how to spell any of the made up names, so if I get them wrong, please forgive me.)

I wasn't sure what to expect of this book after the major shift in tone between books 1 and 2. What we get is a nice blend of the two approaches.

Winter is back with the army, continuing her rise through the ranks as Volnik's protege and go-to. This gives us a lot more army life and battle perspective, like book 1. Marcus, on the other hand, remains in Vordun city with the queen, offering the single actor and small-group dynamic that largely defined book 2.

Wexler continues to take cues from the French Revolution, with ersatz Robespierre, Marisk, consolidating power and beginning his own Reign of Terror.

The switch in focus back and forth between Marcus & Racinia's struggles with Marisk and the Black Church, and Winter & Janos' campaign on the battlefield keeps things interesting and moving forward.

Richard Poe does another excellent job as narrator.