A review by winterreader40
The Stone of Destiny by Andrew Neil Macleod


Johnson and Boswell have a definite Sherlock and Watson vibe as they head out to discover if the stone of destiny in Westminster abbey is real or a fake and they have several adventures during their search.
I wasn't expecting the way this book was formatted, it's a series of diary entries followed by the story being told more in depth before the next entry, and while they are all interesting little side quests it really disrupted the flow of the story for me. I also didn't realize when I requested this book that it was book 2 in a series and while it read fine as a standalone you'll likely get more out of it if you start at the beginning.
The characters are interesting and based on actual people with obviously a lot of liberties taken to tell a fantasy story, but I found how Dr. Johnson always explained away each little side quest to be a bit abrupt and with very little show and to much tell. Overall it was an interesting story that has made me want to learn more about the people the author based the characters on.

I received this ARC through NetGalley and Burning Chair