A review by michalice
Blonde Ops by Natalie Zaman, Charlotte Bennardo


When I saw Blonde Ops on netgalley the synopsis drew me in and I need to know more. I have had this book waiting for a while and I finally got chance to read it. My review doesn't really go into too much detail as I don't want to reveal what happens, or who are the suspects, and who the culprit really is, or even how Rebecca solves it.
We begin Blonde Ops with an interesting look into a chapter yet to come, and it definitly had me guessing how they got into this situation. We then formally meet Rebecca, who is being sent to Italy after being expelled from another school. Her Mum has had enough of her making adjustments to school related things..like hacking into the system to change a grade, and packs her off to stay with an old friend, Parker. What she doesn't tell Rebecca is that whilst in Italy she will be an intern for Edge, a magazine that Parker is editor in chief of. However an accident leaves Rebecca in the care of Candace, and Rebecca is determined to find out what really happened.

Blond Ops was a unique read, with fashion, sleuthing, and computer hacking all combined to make an interesting read. The fashion part is easy for me to give up, but I fell in love with the hacking aspects and how 'resourceful' Rebecca is when it comes to discovering the truth. Some of the techniques she uses I never would have thought possible, and she did lose me on a few technical details of certain investigations, but I did like the result from these.

The beginning of each chapter comes with 'Tips & Tricks for the Edge-y Girl' and I looked forward to reading each new tip before delving right back into the story. Rebecca is a very talented girl, and even though her talents are more often than not used for her own gain, they do all assist in the investigation, and help get herself and her friends out of a sticky situation.

Blonde Ops is the first book I have read by these authors, and I will have to look into the other books they have written. While Blond Ops isn't necessary in my list of amazing-blew-me-away reads, it does rank up there with some of my favourites. The unique mix of subject matter, and a eclectic but great mix of characters makes Blonde Ops an enjoyable read and definitly kept me turning the pages.