A review by mehsi
Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare


Eh... Not sure what to think of this, I found it just way too much... And dumb. And stupid. So yeah. I mean I loved it when we didn't know who the clowns where or why things were happening, those were exciting times and I was scared out of my wits (because hello corn + clowns, nope)... but when we found out who they were and what their plans were? Well, there went my rating. I think I would have rather had supernatural clowns (ghost clowns or whatever) rather than
Spoiler a group of sad fucking adults being boohoo about teens and their generation and then deciding it is a chill idea to just fucking murder, dismember, traumatise the fuck out of them. I mean, that just was a big fucking nope for me. Get over yourselves. Plus, later we learn that people survived by staying at home, but um, Tucker was about to go to the party, so was he targeted specifically? Or was that a plothole?
The characters were not that outstanding, Quinn, we don't learn much about her so I don't really have any big feelings on her. But boy, I disliked Cole and his group of friends so much. Well, Cole I started to like a bit more, but the rest of them? MEH. What a terrible group.
The ending was OK, though I would have definitely run away and stay away. The epilogue? URGH> PLEASE LORD NO ><.
Also I agree with other reviewers on the surprise kiss at the end. While I am happy with some LGBT stuff, this just came out of the fucking nowhere. Build that stuff up, give us hints, do something.