A review by nenya_kanadka
Amanda by Jennifer Stevenson


Okay, I LOVED Cricket. She's so full of life at, what was it, 98? I loved the contrasts between her and the other girls, and how age both was and wasn't a factor (they can have whatever bodies they want, but a century of experience is going to be different than twenty or forty or fifty years). Loved her granddaughter, and her cover story for going off to join Team Slut, and how each character ends up approaching the succubus thing just a little bit differently.

Amanda had been something of a cipher to me in the series to date, and I think that was intentional, given what we find out about her in this. She's sort of been a cipher to herself. Never had a real chance to explore who she is and what she wants. All she knows is she likes team sports.

I loved the slow-burn f/f romance in this. Love. It was so subtle at first that I was sure I must be reading something into the book that wasn't there because I'm a queer woman myself and am always alert for f/f possibilities. But then these little things kept happening, and I started to very cautiously get my hopes up. And what do you know, it actually is canon femslash. Really lovely and satisfying, too, at least for me.

I think this is the one where we start learning more about Delilah, too? I always knew something was up with that woman.

And the puppies were CUTE. AS. FUCK.