A review by bookcub
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern


oh my god you have no idea how much I love puzzle books, esp when the puzzles are stories

like this is sooooo well crafted, ughhhh

so hard to form coherent thoughts about this book

I feel like I need to reread it already, like so much happened

weirdly, I did not love Zachary. I didn’t hate him, but I was not attached to him at all. I cared much more about how all the stories were going to be woven together

I loved the short stories throughout the book. they were gorgeous . . .. so gorgeous. . .I love short stories

for an instaromance, I found Zachary and Dorian quite adorable and shippable

I adore Mirabel

I wish the Keeper had a bigger role????

god, so much happened I don’t even know

I would love to go to this place like so much

I absolutely have a crush on Kat, she is fantastic, I wish she played a larger role

I just adore how this whole story was crafted

It’s unlike anything I’ve read, yet feels like it belongs with name of the wind and the storyteller

I found the bad guys . . .. underwhelming and weirdly unnecessary (did anyone else feel like that??)

idk I just really love and respect this book

5 stars!!!! So good!!!