A review by mimig312
The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs


John Carter returns to Mars after a 10 year absence in this second installment of the Barsoom series. As the title implies, the story is focused on the gods of Mars of which Carter becomes quickly acquainted with when he is transported to the Valley Dor. This area of Mars is sacred and reserved for Martians making their pilgrimage to the afterlife. However, Carter finds that the veiled mysticism and religious belief system is not what the Martians make it out to be. Conflicts quickly ensue, and he comes face to face with a powerful and ancient God that is not so easily defeated. Carter's prowess in battle and ability to forge strong partnerships help him overcome many obstacles on his quest to freedom and reuniting with his beloved Dejah Thoris.

I enjoyed the first book more than this second installment. Carter is either fighting his way out of trouble or conspiring to fight throughout the whole story which at times was tiresome. Also, there are several points in the narrative where Carter is a year or more in bondage but these episodes are described in a few brief sentences or paragraphs. The story is imaginative but I found the introduction of additional races (Therns - whites, and first born - blacks) a bit too derivative of the time in which it was written (reflecting race values of that time).