A review by ambeesbookishpages
Firebug by Lish McBride


The full review can be found at The Book Bratz

Holy crap. This book. This is my first Lish McBride book and I think it is safe to say that I will be reading more by her soon. Firebug is both action filled and packed with humor. The urban fantasy junkie in me ate this right up.

Ava is what is called a firebug, she can start fires with her mind. A rare talent that makes her valuable to the Coterie, the magical mafia. Firebug started off slow, introducing you to the characters and setting, but it was no less entertaining. Ava is a hit man (woman?) to the Coterie and when she is assigned to kill Duncan, a family friend and refuses things are about to get bad. Venus is on the hunt for her, kidnapping Cade, the closest thing she has to a father and threatening the ones she loves most.

McBride had an awesome mix of characters, Ava a Firebug, Ezra a were-fox and Lock who is something that involves nature. They are literally friend goals. They were so comfortable and cool With each other, they joked around and teased each other. But when it came down to it they had each others backs. That was my favorite part of this book was their friendship. Ava and Lock act like an old married couple, and Ezra is their kid. It is comical. I totally ship Ava and Lock, I really hope to see them together in the next book.

Ava was kick ass. I would want her as a best friend. Her job is to go around and kill magical creatures that Venus is not happy with, and Ava has no choice but to go along with it unless she wants to die. Venus pretty much thought that she had Ava wrapped around her finger until Ava flat out told her no, that she wasn't going to kill Duncan. Ava is sassy and a bit of a smart ass but in the end she is dedicated to the people she loves.

Overall, I really enjoy Firebug, it did get slow in parts but the humor and action makes up for it in the end. I am really eager for book two which isn't coming out until 2016. (Which seems like a really long time away) This will defiantly be a book I will be pushing at people!