A review by jugglingpup
Extinction Journals by Jeremy Robert Johnson


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This book raises the question of what can survive an all out nuclear holocaust. The answer is clearly cockroaches and tTwinkies The other answer is ants, which you don’t find out until closer to the end of the book.

The main character plans his apocalypse surviving outfit out in advance. He tries out a few different models and settles on a suit from J. C. Penney with cockroaches sewn on in a way where they don’t eat each other. After everything happens, the way he had made the suit actually makes it so he can sleep and still travel because the cockroaches walk for him.

He runs into the president who survived with a Twinkie suit. The cockroaches eat him. That is seriously the best part. The man watches in horror as the president is eaten inches from his flesh. So graphic and cool.

This is the longer version of a story found in Angel Dust Apocalypse. Both books are fantastic. They are both quick reads and should be read in one sitting so you are forced to live through it all at once which makes it even more powerful.