A review by lgpiper
The Efficiency Expert by Edgar Rice Burroughs


This was kind of fun, and not at all like most Burroughs' books, such as the Tarzan or War Lord of Mars series. Nope, just a regular book about more-or-less regular people.

So, Jimmy Torrance, Jr. has just graduated from a fancy college in the East, probably some Ivy League school. It's not clear that he studied much. Rather he spent his time being a sports star, and, likely, partying. Studying was for chumps in those days. After all, those fancy schools had the "gentleman's C" racket going on.

Well, anyway, Jimmy does have some conscience, and decides to make it on his own, rather than go back home to take up a position in his father's company. He wants to prove his mettle. So, off he goes to Chicago. He thinks he'll just waltz into an executive position of some sort, but quickly learns that the people doing the hiring are more impressed with actual experience than with one's past life of having been a sports star.

Eventually, to make ends meet, Jimmy takes up some menial jobs. He works for a time as a waiter at a sketchy bar. He becomes a milkman, delivering quarts to milk to the various residents of Chicago. In each case, he runs into a fancy young lady, Elizabeth Compton, and her best friend Harriet Holden. In each case, Elizabeth is repelled because of her assumption that Jimmy is lower class, but Harriet sees some potential in Jimmy.

Well, that's enough for now. Suffice to say that Jimmy does all right for himself in the end. Buy why not read the book yourself and find out just how that can happen?

Were GoodReads to allow it, this book would garner 3*+, i.e. above average, even if not great.