A review by claudiaswisher
Baaa by David Macaulay


I met Macaulay and found him sweet and gentle. This book shows an entirely different side!! My daughter found this in the picture book section of our library and we brought it home...I began to read it to her, and she could NOT understand why I was laughing.

Picture book or not, this is NOT a children's book. I event talked to the librarians about perhaps reshelving it. Think "Soylent Green" in picture books! Baaaa is a cautionary tale, a dystopia starring sheep. Civilization seems to be going swimmingly for all the sheep until more and more power and resources begin funnelling into the hands of fewer and fewer sheep. Food becomes schare and there are riots. The rebellion is quelled, peace is restored, and a new food source is introduced: Baaa.

I won't give away the chilling conclusion, but this one is a book I would love to teach as a companionpiece to 1984, or Brave New World.

Macaulay, that gentle soul, has created one of the most disturbing pieces I've read...never finished reading it to Laurie...we went back to Cat in the Hat!