A review by jasminenoack
The Art of Steampunk by Art Donovan, Jim Bennett, G.D. Falksen


(I am classifying this as british because the exhibition was at oxford and lets give props where they are due)

being the traitor I am I bought this at st. marks books last night and the guy at the cashier actually started talking to me about his nerdiness, I assume based on my nerdiness.

Well this book is about the importance of the prominence of the object. in a modern time everything is sleek and streamlined and the same (except apple which has suddenly decided to make things bigger, weird I know). Steampunk according to this book is about making functional objects (cameras, phones, and computers) that are also art objects.

This really relates to when people talk these days about why people go to stores when it is easier and cheaper to shop online. Well the answer is of course the experience of the store. Steampunk is about why objects are still important in the digital age, it's a respect of the space occupied by an object and the emotion given by an object.

steampunk is about the importance of the existant above all else. at least when it's art.