A review by monadh
Evalle and Storm by Dianna Love


Long-awaited culmination of Evalle and Storm’s bitter-sweet love story

Almost from the beginning Evalle and Storm have been my favorite Belador couple, and if anybody deserves a happy ending, then it is them, especially after everything they have gone through to finally be together. Even since before Treoir Dragon Hoard (book #10) I have been somewhat upset with Evalle and Storm for always putting of bonding, even though they have assured each other of their mutual love many times. But it never seems to be the right moment and then Evalle of course gets abducted, and because they failed to bond it’s impossible for Storm to track her via their connection. She eventually is rescued from the evil warlock who held her prisoner, but her enforced stay in the Abandinu realm left scars.

Evalle is recuperating in Treoir, but she is unable to call her gryphon and her powers haven’t returned fully either. Her mate and friends have tried to be supportive, but their hovering feels oppressive to Evalle. Also, after having found her again, Storm is subtly pushing for them to bond, but Evalle is afraid of endangering Storm by bonding with him before she is fully recovered. So when Storm gets a call from his estranged uncle Bidziil, Evalle sees that as welcome opportunity to put off having to make a decision either way and decides to accompany Storm on this mission.

While Storm tries to solve a murder that seems to involve supernatural elements, Evalle’s condition deteriorates further. In the end the solution of the strange murders and the answer to Evalle’s healing both lead to the same place, although not quite in the way one would have expected.
I thoroughly enjoyed this mixture of a murder mystery with some unexpected turns and personal journey for both Evalle and Storm. Evalle has to learn to trust herself again, while Storm, who discovers that the things he believed about his uncle are not necessarily true, manages to reconnect with this part of his family through the shared experience of the investigation.

I also commend Dianna Love for depicting “minority” characters – in this case Diné/Navajo – and their struggles in a sensitive and multi-dimensional manner and that way exploding preconceived notions and stereotypes. There is a reason this is one of my favorite UF series aside from the intricate world-building, the mythical creatures that populate its pages and the epic stories of struggle and love and friendship that she puts her characters through. So 4 ½ stars from me for the long-awaited culmination of Evalle and Storm’s bitter-sweet love story.