A review by mythroneofbooks
The Accident Season by Moïra Fowley-Doyle


This is a non-spoiler review.

This was an amazing, mysterious and (at a few times) very creepy book. Perfect for Halloween.

The story revolves around a family where every october they all become accident prone. This is what really intreged me when I first heard about it. But the story never started at the beginning of october. It started in the middle of the month, this made me feel very cheated by the author, because they skipped 2 weeks worth of possible extended plot. But as I went on with the story, I got sunken into the plot, it was masterfully written and very much a book I look forward to reading again in the near future and would definitely recommend it for a halloween festive read.

There were spontanious accident happenings all of the time, but, I would have liked to see more. I felt like there wasn't enough accidents to call it the "Accident season". And maybe more serious accidents to say the least. But I did find when an accident did happen, all I wanted to do was read on. Just to see if everyone was still alive, injured or otherwise.

I didn't really connect with most of the characters as I thought I should have. They felt very forced to be different and weird as much as possible, which made me feel a little differently towards them. The main character Cara was very in to her overactive imagination and constantly saying it when she had a drink. she was very compelled in to finding this girl named Elsie, who appeared in every picture Cara has taken ever since she was young.

Bae was the type of person who carried tarot cards. Whenever someone would ask her a question, she almost always referred to her cards. Other characters in the book refers to her a a witch. But I get she was a very free spirit.
Sam, despite being Cara's ex-step brother, was a very flat character and didn't really have any personality. He was boring. More of a side character, more development and a better plan for this character would have made a better side plot.
Sam is the sister of Cara and held a lot of secrets that were that weren't relevant until the end of the book.

Overall I did really enjoy this book. When I wasn't reading it, I was constantly thinking about it. I always wanted to know what was going to happen. If you see The Accident Season where ever you are out and about, pick it up and give it a read. It might surprise you.