A review by kdurham2
Cutting Teeth by Julia Fierro


Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

A playgroup takes a vacation and as personalities can probably handle each other for a few hours a week, a whole weekend is a lot! If you are a long time blog reader you may know that my kids are of the four legged variety, but I have some fantastic nieces and nephews and love to read books with the kid and parent antics - this book did not disappoint.

In the front of the book is a perfect chart of each of the families with the child or children they have. Each family has a four year old and most are boys! I loved that one of the couples was a lesbian and one involves the husband as the homemaker and of course one is with the mother has an overactive imagination for negative happenings. I absolutely adore reading books where there are group dynamics and reading about how they all affect each other and this one hit the mark. Not only did it have the dynamics of adults, but the kids had some peculiarities as well!