A review by faeriexprincette
The Girl and the Grove by Eric Smith


4/16/2018: GUESS WHO JUST GOT APPROVED FOR AN E-ARC?! *sunglasses emoji*

Thank you, NetGalley, for giving me the opportunity to read this book!

I really enjoyed Eric Smith’s “The Girl and the Grove.” The main character was likable and complex and watching her grow over the course of the novel was great. Seeing her relationship with her adoptive parents, mental health, and even plants was also just...magical (heh, get it?)

I did like the fantasy aspect but felt like it could’ve been a little more fleshed out. The cover made it seem like this novel would be filled with magic and mystical creatures but it wasn’t really that at all.

Another thing I wasn’t the biggest fan of was the conclusion. It felt like the story was coming up to this huge boil and then...it was just done. So quick and easy. It was disruptive almost.

Also, you could sometimes tell that the female dialogue had been written by a male. I don’t know how to explain this really, it’s just something you know.

I loved the pop culture references, characters, relationships, COFFEE, and Sarika most of all. The people in this novel were very believable humans. They had flaws, they used foul language, they made mistakes. I really loved that about this story.