A review by maida
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire


”No one should have to sit and suffer and pretend to be someone they’re not because it’s easier, or because no one wants to help them fix it.”

I really appreciate this book series. It seriously holds such a special place in my heart and it always baffles me how much emotion Seanan McGuire manages to pack into these novellas.

Jack and Jill, to no ones surprise, have always been my favorite characters. I’m so glad we got to see them and the Moors again. The sequels never hit as hard for me as the prequels do, but I really did enjoy this one.

I thought the ocd rep was extremely well done. Maybe because it is own voices, but also because it made me feel seen.

Then again, Down Among the Sticks and Bones still manages to be the best book in this series, which is kind of disappointing, considering none of its three “sequels” have managed to beat it.

But somehow I still comeback every year salivating for more stories in this universe. Thank you, Seanan. Thank you.

51. A book with an ""-ing"" word in the title