A review by rld1727
The Secret History of Bigfoot: Field Notes on a North American Monster by John O'Connor


Like the other reviews mention, there’s a lot of talk about Trump, COVID, and other major 2020-era landmarks, so many in the beginning that I felt it really took away from my reading experience (and I say that coming from a similar viewpoint to the author). I actually almost gave up, and then the book started to get more into the history of the Bigfoot legends, and started to ground the social commentary to the main theme in a way that made sense—almost like if that part of the book had come first, I wouldn’t have found the initial references so distracting. 

A lot more about Bigfoot’s origins as a social phenomenon than a folklore history (although plenty of discussion of indigenous legends with similar-feeling entities), so not quite what I was hoping for, but an interesting read overall.