A review by guinness74
The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet by Ramez Naam


Per FTC rules: I received a free copy of this book as a giveaway from Goodreads First Reads.

It has been some time since a book so clearly defined its ideas and was so well researched as to force me to counter my own long held opinions about many things. Ramez Naam has concocted an incredible resource in its own right that will have you questioning the very thoughts you felt were solidly planted in your mind. This is not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, I recommend this book as a challenge to everyone, regardless of your political stripe, your religious intent, or your desire for the health of this planet and the people who live on it. I've communicated my thoughts to the author myself and he graciously replied. It was a true joy to read something that so thoroughly injected new life into my critical thinking processes. This book is worth every single cent you will spend on it.