A review by writeronherway
House of M by Brian Michael Bendis


This is the best one I have read so far! If you’re watching WandaVision at the moment and want to read some of the comics then this is as good a place as any to start. Strong plot and possibly the easiest cross-over event to follow because it actually has a start, middle and end.

One of the reasons I enjoyed it so much may have been the scene transitions of the digital copy I read on Kindle! It’s the first time I’ve come across this function where it basically moves through the individual panels like a slideshow. 1) It helped me follow the story around the page without getting distracted 2) It drew my full attention to how beautiful the artwork was! You got a cropped part of the image then it expanded to the whole.

*spoilers ahead*

I love the stakes of this story and that it centres around Wanda Maximoff who is given emotional complexity and staggering power in this one rather than simply being the fun-witchy-love interest (I’m so over that from my recent comic binge). I was really hooked in by the story and had no idea how the characters were going to get out of this one. Love the idea of each character (from Avengers or X-men) having to confront their real past when enlightened to the fact they are living in an alternate reality. The moral question of what to do about Wanda as her powers take their toll on her and she starts to lose touch with reality really pushed you to see some characters in a new light. Her own resignation and acceptance to what might happen was heartbreaking. I loved this collection and will happily take recommendations for Marvel comics matching the quality of this one!

Side note: shock of my life, I even enjoyed Wolverine in this one!