A review by satyridae
The Grail: A Year Ambling & Shambling Through an Oregon Vineyard in Pursuit of the Best Pinot Noir Wine in the Whole Wild World by Mary Miller Doyle, Brian Doyle


Brian Doyle's is the first byline I learned to look for in the Oregonian when I moved here, and I still get an anticipatory flutter when I see it. He's recently written a novel, [b:Mink River|9250050|Mink River|Brian Doyle|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1285262402s/9250050.jpg|14130561] and I went to Powell's to listen to him talk. He's an insanely intense and achingly vulnerable speaker who laughs and cries at his own stories. I found out then that he has published several books of essays, and I ordered them all from the library. This is the first one I got, and I dove right in.

I love his tumbling run-on enthusiastic wordy true fine style. I love his unabashed love for his family and his species and his planet and his religion and his wine. I love the way he can make me laugh and cry all at once.

This collection of essays follows the course of a year at the Lange Winery in the Dundee Hills of Oregon, and it is a purely lovely journey. Doyle is never absent from any of his essays, he is so mindfully present that you are too. His words roost in my heart and make it gladder. I've ordered a copy of this book for my own library. 4.5 stars.