A review by e_bibliophile
Novels 1942–1952: The Moon Is Down / Cannery Row / The Pearl / East of Eden by Robert DeMott, John Steinbeck


Shall we please take a few minutes to appreciate how wonderful this book is? Could Samuel Hamilton be unfictionalized, resurrected, and be my father? Please?

I love the fact that I read [a:John Steinbeck|585|John Steinbeck|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1182118389p2/585.jpg]'s Of Mice and Men, didn't like it that much, didn't give up on the author, and congratulated myself for reading [b:East of Eden|883438|East of Eden|John Steinbeck|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1503315060s/883438.jpg|2574991].

I'm in love. A few chapters in and I declared that I've finally found my ultimate favorite American novel.. (Dearest Maya Angelou, don't fret! This is a different genre and yours are still my favorite autobiographies).

Think of this book as an equivalent of a soap opera, minus the tediousness, and in the most positive way. Never a dull moment here. It's about family drama, but a drama where you will get sucked into the smallest details of it.

I admire how the author invested in his characters. I found significant depth even in the least important character in this book. I especially loved how the inner struggle of good vs. evil in the same person was portrayed.

I think I also found the truest demonstration of jealousy. And are you familiar with the term "Femme Fatale"? Cathy is the shit! Satan might actually take notes from her. And don't let me start on Lee. Just read the book!

“Names are a great mystery. I’ve never known whether the name is molded by the child or the child changed to fit the name. But you can be sure of this—whenever a human has a nickname it is a proof that the name given him was wrong.”