A review by gjeebus_k
Torak en Wolf: De geestenjager by Michelle Paver


The story of a young boy who loses everything and finds hope again in a wolf, has come to an end.
Many lives were lost during this adventure. Friendships were made, and secrets were uncovered. But in the end, you have to ask yourself the question: 'How do I go further from this?'

The story starts a few days after the previous left us. Only this time, Michelle Paver will stomp on your heart and will give you a bad feeling until you've read half of the book!
Yes Michelle, I'm talking about you!

Last time, I was shocked to see how Bale died so soon. But this time, she took it a bit too far.
I couldn't concentrate on Torak who was on his way to vengeance, nor could I care how Renn felt about the whole situation. The only thing I could think about was Wolf.
Michelle succeeded in making me care an awful lot for a wolf, but this time she made me go downstairs and hug my dog.

Luckily, Michelle isn't cold-hearted as some other well-known writers...

In comparison to the previous two books, this journey for revenge felt more challenging and dangerous. And while you could find yourself in the minds of the other Soul Eaters, you couldn't with Eostra. That's the perfect sign that you have a heartless villain who doesn't care what happens. All she can think of is ending the world, taking as many lives with her as possible.
This time, it wasn't Torak against other tribes and people. This time, it was Torak against nature under control of a Soul Eater.

All by all, the story had everything it needed to make the last chapter a special one. New characters, returning characters, heart-breaking moments, and a happy end which you don't really know if you feel happy about it.

Goodbye Torak. Goodbye Wolf. And goodbye Renn...
I hope you'll find peace together.
