A review by ncrabb
Generous Death by Nancy Pickard


Is there really any such thing as a typical field trip of fourth graders? Certainly not for a group of fourth graders whom we meet as this book begins. They're touring an art museum which relies heavily on donations from a local foundation--a foundation run by Jenny Cain. As the children approach a bed used in ancient China, They see someone in the bed presumably sleeping. But of course, the guy is dead, and he's a big donor to Jenny's foundation.

It doesn't take long for Jenny to recognize, as the murders pile up, that the people who are dying are all donors to her foundation. Someone has gained access to her donor list, and she realizes to her horror that since she is also a significant donor to the foundation, her life is in danger.

I enjoyed this book largely because the Jenny Cain character is so likable. There's just a hint of romance here between Jenny and a former classmate whom she hasn't seen in some time, a guy who has become a cop. It's the first book in the series, and for once, I actually had the good sense to start with the first book rather than dip into the series at random as I all-too-often do.