A review by jrobles76
Deep State by Walter Jon Williams


A revolution in a middle eastern country helped by the Internet. You know, science fiction. Love the character of Dagmar, and how she was affected by the events of the first book. Too often authors leave their characters with little to no emotional baggage. As if the deaths of friends, and their own near death experiences, leave them untouched. Most authors would include a line or two about missing their friends, but Walter Jon Williams gives Dagmar PTSD. Every decision she makes in this book is colored by the decisions she made in the previous book. It makes the book more realistic, and Dagmar more human.

There were only one or two spots where I thought it dragged, but those moments still added to the realism. I was reading Richard Clarke's book on cyber war at the same time so the scenarios made a lot of sense and were very plausible. I don't remember which came first, this book or the actual Arab Spring, but the only part that didn't seem realistic was someone using MySpace. :) A very fun read.