A review by readercecc6
Beauty Queen by Julia London

Did not finish book.
DNF@1 hour in

Couldn't finish this hot mess.

The heroine is, frankly, fucking useless. A former beauty queen who grew up extremely wealthy, her life falls apart after her husband divorces her. Divorces suck, that's a given, and I really don't want to blame the victim here but the woman deserved it. She has the personality of a rain soaked cardboard box and while I really couldn't care less one way or another how women choose to live their lives, if you're going to give it all up and be a housewife/stay at home mom, then own it. There's no shame in doing so. Anyone who's had to spend a week taking care of a newborn will tell you it's exhausting. But not only doesn't the heroine own her decision to stay home (her husband obviously didn't force her), after her marriage falls apart, she blames him for her lack of any marketable traits.

Umm.. Plenty of women go back to school after having children. Hell, plenty of single mothers go to school while pregnant/raising their children. I couldn't stand her whining and how she blamed everything wrong in her life on her ex. Not that anything was really wrong to begin with.

Boohoo, you shopped the entirety of your marriage instead of learning how to type. Poor you, you were busy attending society functions/charity balls instead of learning how to file. Cry me a fucking river. She's a fucking beauty queen from a wealthy family and has a huge divorce settlement from the man she stopped giving a shit about years ago. She has terrific sisters, a loving father (who she blames for everything wrong in her life too) and a son she supposedly loves but not really since he hadn't even appeared onscreen with her by the time I gave up on this shit.

I couldn't stand her constant bitching about her nonexistent problems and her supposed low self esteem (she proclaimed to suffer from low self esteem after discovering her husband's affairs but the very next chapter, she uses her beauty/charm to humiliate a man). I probably could've been more empathetic but the woman never took responsibility for anything. I mean, at one point she even blamed her husband for divorcing her even though she admitted to knowing about and allowing him his affairs. Then she went to an employment agency and got pissed because they wouldn't bend over backwards and give her a cushy job that she was hella under qualified for because *gasp* recession and people with actual college degrees and/or previous work experience were better qualified than she. She actually fucking bitched about that, swear to Christ.

I just couldn't get behind a woman whom I had absolutely zero respect for.

And just for shits and giggles