A review by nssutton
The Adventures of Nanny Piggins by R.A. Spratt


Nanny Piggins is the Marry Poppins of this generation. She is no nonsense when it comes to fun, a platform I can get behind. I adored this book far more than I could have imagined at first glance. As a rule, I don't enjoy talking animal books (sorry, Redwall), but Spratt's writing is laugh out loud funny. From the school uniform incident through the doorknob thief, I was pleasantly surprised by the characters' appeal.

I like the style of the book, with each chapter serving as a separate and complete stories that interlink but do not necessairly need to be read straight through in order to appreciate it. I think it lends itself to relucant readers, both for this format and the humor, but also serves as a bridge from series chapter books to longer standalone works. Each chapter builds an expecation for the next that does not disappoint with each passing page.

If there were a Cybil write-in for book that caught you most off-guard, I'd have to hand it to Nanny Piggins - two chocolate smeared hands-down.