A review by nushreadsbooks
The Night Girl by James Bow


** received from netgalley in exchange for a fair review **

I really wasn't sure what to expect from this book. But it was called Pratchett-esque so I wanted to give it a try.

Let me just start off saying that this is not any way similar to Terry Pratchett's books. It lacks the wit, smarts and complexities of a Discworld book. Instead we have a trope-filled quick read.

Our protagonist, Perpetua (seriously?) arrives in Toronto with a measly $500 in her bra. Perpetua is not a smart cookie (as showcased by her arrival in a big city without a plan) but she's friendly and charming so she is quickly introduced to the hidden population of goblins, trolls and fairies.

I can't say that the plot was original (I saw a plot point coming from a mile away) but it was a fun and entertaining read. Perpetual reads quite young - that may be the low brow sarcasm that she employs instead of actual jokes - but it adds to her character and makes her naivety seem more plausible.