A review by sparkleboymatty
Running with the Pack by Carrie Vaughn, Laura Anne Gilman, C. E. Murphy


This was a fun anthology of werewolf stories. I enjoyed almost all of them, especially:

-Inside Out by Erzebet Yellowboy was my favourite. Great writing, fleshed out characters,unique premise. I want to know more!
-The Garden, The Moon, the Wall by Amanda Downum. This felt like part of a series I'd love to read more of.
-Gestella by Susan Palwick had great writing, unique premise, but too sad.
-Blended by C.E. Murphy. Another unique idea and one I wanted more from.
-Mongrel by Maria V. Snyder.
-Deadfall by Karen Everson.
-Blamed for Trying to Live by Jesse Bullington

Happy there were several LGBQT stories too!