A review by wyrmdog
Breach Zone by Myke Cole


So the really interesting thing about this book isn't that it's a novel-length battle sequence, or that the author has managed to get some actual character-building into the book, or even that he's fundamentally changed the world he created. It's not that the whole thing was fun, and the interludes were never tedious.

No, it's the ambitious ending. I don't mean that it was difficult or that it wasn't predictable in the outcome of the conflict. What was ambitious was the stakes he set to follow his own series. While nothing may ever come of this world again, it's ripe with possibility and potential and it never shies away from bringing in rough elements, elements that no one could just wave off. It's a believable and satisfying conclusion that doesn't close the door, but doesn't promise you more than it just delivered.

Cole continues to impress.