A review by gabbyreadswithtea
Fanboys vs. Zombies Vol. 1 by Sam Humphries, Jerry Gaylord


Rating: 4.5

Fanboys vs Zombies is exactly what it sounds like. A group of geeks join forces when San Diego Comic Con is overrun by zombies! Any die-hard fans of zombie culture will absolutely love this volume (and I’m sure the rest of the series!) I wish the title reflected some of the badass female characters we also meet in this graphic novel, like Amanda, the sick amazing young female (who takes no shit) that I fell in love with from the first page.
Heaps of gory explosive fun. No idea how I haven’t seen this talked about before, but picked up the second volume at an overstock-bookstore and knew I needed to find the first volume. Read in one sitting.
Love the characters, the artwork was fun, bold and colourful. I want to print off all the pages and stick them on my walls!
Hadn’t realised this is the same author as Blackbird, which was my most anticipated graphic novel of this year! I pre-ordered it and it’s sitting at home just waiting to be read. I will not hesitate to pick it up now.
If you’re sulking over the end of I Hate Fairyland, or are a nerd and a lover of zombies; this is definitely one you need to pick up!