A review by jljaina
The Golden Cage by Kaitlyn Davis


I liked this more than expected. I am often not a fan of novellas unless it is a series that I am already invested in. This was my intro to the series. And is has left me craving more!
Leena seems like a sweet girl who has seen too much cruelty for her years. Unexpected since she is a princess, right? Not when the evil one is her own father. She has much to learn of the word but a decent grasp of the limited reality she knows. The ending left me with mixed emotions. I can't say what because I don't want to mislead you in why I think that way without spoilers. Very mild fantasy element so far. And no known dragons which left me sad with that series title. But this was just a prequel so I am not without hope. There is a story to her backround not yet shared....